
gabeChrome.css + gabeContent.css

gabeChrome.css Main window gabeChrome.css + WaveFox in Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition 107 and Dracula X GABE theme for Firefox

Minimal customizations for modern versions of Mozilla Firefox and LibreWolf.

Free download from here!

Key Features

gabeChrome.css and go-buttom in URL bar gabeChrome.css and go-buttom in URL bar, tab counter and verify icon in green

Grid view for overflow pane Grid view for overflow pane

Hiding email address in Firefox menu Hiding email address in Firefox menu


How-To Apply?

  1. Your must enable via about:config the toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets in Mozilla Firefox or LibreWolf.

  2. Save the gabeChrome.css and gabeContent.css files as your userChrome.css and ``userContent.css (if you don't have another userChrome.css and userContent.css previously, otherwise you can import it into your actual style files) and the gabeChrome-extras.cssfile, all of them in the chrome folder of your profile directory: Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles[User]\chrome ==> (%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles` on Windows or go to about:profiles in Firefox/LibreWolf and locate the Roaming folder of your profile.1

  3. Restart your browser and enjoy.


Not for me but the whole r/FirefoxCSS community always helping to make Firefox (and LibreWolf) our own.

[more stuff from GABEweb @ GitHub]

  1. For more details please refer to: Firefox advanced customization and configuration options and Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data in the official Firefox Help